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Friday, July 19, 2013

               My Brave Moggy Bright Eyes getting her shot                                           from Dr.Howard

        Dr.Howard is get my injection of PERCORTEN ready. =^..^=

Dr. Howard is a nice vet I feel safe around him. =^..^=

Dr. Howard is giving me a new drug it is called Prednisone Syrup I have to take this once a day. =^..^=
This is the drug "PERCORTEN" which I will have to take for the rest of my life an with your support to Paw Town Cats Moggies like me have a change to live a happy and safe life will you Please give to Paw Town Cats so they can keep helping and saving the life's of forgotten street cats and kittens like me thank you Meow Meow. =^..^=

1 comment:

  1. So sweet little Bright Eyes, how is the treatment going? Is it helping you now or does it take a while to work?

    We are very glad you have a nice vet and a nice Dad to look after you

    Luff from
    Mungo & Gerry
